Honestly, after coming back to this site after years, I tried to find the reason why I loved this site so much back in the day, and now, I think I've found it once again
This whole site in my opinion is pretty amazing, from the design, it's history, what it tries to achieve and what it achieved, there's lot to do in here
From daily user submissions, some really old but still great flash movies, games that are released with frequency, and some insane talents here and there
But what really made me want to tell why I love this place so much, is the community
Basicly all of the users that originated from here that I had the chance to meet are by far some of the nicest people I've had the pleasure to meet, and not only that, they're some of the greatest talents I've seen out there
It's funny how some of the most genuine people originated from possibly one of the edgiest sites out there
I think I have a lot to thank about this site at the end of the day, it inspired me back then and it continues to inspire me nowadays, and I think that's all this site is about, about showing yourself and what you've got
For real, I love Newgrounds and it's community, amazing little site
Hope you're all having a nice day, thanks.